Courtney Skvarla
Your Fresh Farmacist

Hi! I’m Courtney, and I’ll be your Coach in this journey!
In 2002, I graduated from the University of Arizona with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree with the goal of helping people get better. But during my practice, I witnessed patients get worse over time, adding medications one on top of the other and developing countless side effects. I realized that these medications were just band-aids and that the root of their illnesses were not properly
addressed. “There has to be better way,” I thought.
But as I looked for ways to help others feel better, I realized that I was suffering myself. I had a body image disorder and an obsession with food. To get over these, I took on every fad diet out there, and surely, felt great at first. However, years of eating low-calorie diets and over-exercising took its toll on my
metabolism. I was always exhausted. I developed severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome, leaky gut, migraines, heart palpitations, and way more strep throat infections than I can remember. Eventually, I also developed hormone imbalances and infertility.
After years of suffering and searching for the best solution for my health problems, I was fortunately introduced to the beautiful and healing world of Nutrition. Finally, I found a way to heal my body and mind as well as reach my aesthetic goals – all of these, while still enjoying all of the foods I love.
Now that I found the key to a good healthy and sound mind, I decided to become a Nutrition Coach and continue my commitment in helping others be the version of themselves. I look forward to guiding you on your own wellness journey!

Now that I found the key to good health and sound mind, I decided to become a Nutrition Coach and continue my commitment in helping others be the best version of themselves.

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Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson